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Federal Law No. 14.026 dated 07/15/2020 Updates the Sanitation Legal Framework.
Federal Law No. 13.460 dated 06/26/2017 Provides for the participation, protection and defense of the rights of users of public administration’s public services.
Attachment XX of the Consolidation Ordinance No. 005/2017 of Ministry of Health Control and surveillance of the quality of water for human consumption and its standard of potability.
Ordinance No. 2914 of Ministry of Health dated 12/12/2011 Provides for the procedures for the control and survaillance of the quality of water for humam consumption and its standard of potability.
Law No. 12.527 of 18/11/2011 Regulates access to information and repeals Law No. 11.111, of May 5, 2005, and provisions of Law No. 8.159, of January 8, 1991; and makes other provisions.
Decree No. 7.217 dated 06/21/2010 Regulates Law No. 11.445 dated January 5, 2007, which establishes national guidelines for basic sanitation and other measures.
Decreto No 6.017 de 17/01/2007 Regulates Law No. 11.107, dated April 6, 2005, which provides for general rules for hiring public consortiums.
Federal Law No. 11.445 dated January 5, 2007 Establishes national guidelines for basic sanitation; amends Laws No. 6.766 dated December 19, 1979, 8,036 dated May 11, 1990, 8.666 dated June 21, 1993, 8.987 dated February 13, 1995; overrules Law No. 6.528 dated May 11, 1978; and makes other arrangements.
Federal Law No. 11.107 dated 04/06/2005 Provides for general standards for contracting of public consortiums and other measures.
Federal Law No. 11.079 dated 12/30/2004 Institutes general rules for bidding and contracting public-private partnerships within the scope of public administration.