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When accessing the Websites and/or Applications and, when applicable, clicking on the button "I accept the Terms of Use for Saneago Websites and Applications", the user must be fully aware of the provisions contained in this instrument in force at the time of access, declaring full awareness that Saneago, unless otherwise provided by law, reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. Thus, it is up to the User to reread these Terms in case of any modification, according to the update date at the end of this document.

  • 1.1. The User declares full knowledge that he may, if he so wishes, adopt the measures available on the Websites and/or Applications made available by Saneago through other service channels made available by Saneago, such as in-person assistance, via telephone or any other means available.
  • 1.2. Saneago also reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the Websites and/or Applications, at any time and without the need for prior notice, on its own initiative or at the request of a third party, to those Users who fail to comply with these Terms.

When using the services of the Investor Relations portal, the user understands that his/her personal data will be treated and shared in the ways described in the Privacy Notice and he/she agrees with its terms.

The following laws apply to this service but are not limited to:

  • Law No. 12,965 of April 23, 2014 - Civil Rights Framework for the Internet
  • Law No. 13,460 of June 26, 2017 – Participation, protection and defense of the rights of users of public administration services.
  • Law No. 13.709 of August 14, 2018 – Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Saneago's Websites and/or Applications may require prior subscription or prior registration by the User for access. In this case, access will only be granted after the User completes the registration form with all the mandatory information required. In such case, all information provided by the User must be true. Thus, from now on, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data that he/she informs when filling in the respective forms. It is the User's responsibility to keep all information provided to Saneago permanently updated so that it always reflects the User's real data. Under any circumstances, the User will be solely responsible for false or inaccurate declarations that may cause damage to Saneago or to third parties.

  • 3.1. The User is responsible for the safekeeping, secrecy and good use of the registered login and passwords, exempting Saneago from any responsibility. Furthermore, the User is responsible for: (i) not using a third party's login or password; and (ii) not changing addresses of machines, or IP (Internet Protocol) network or email, in an attempt to hold third parties accountable or hide their identity or authorship.
  • 3.2. The User may, at any time, delete his/her account on the Website and/or Application, with the exception of Saneago's custody of the information and/or data as provided for in the legislation, these Terms and/or Saneago's Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

The user must receive, in accordance with the principles expressed in Law No. 13,460 of 2017, a service based on the following guidelines: Urbanity, Respect, Accessibility, Courtesy, Presumption of the User's Good Faith, Equality, Efficiency, Safety and Ethics.

The following are the user's basic rights:

  • Participation in monitoring the provision and evaluation of services;
  • Obtention and use of services with freedom of choice between the means offered and without discrimination;
  • Access and obtention of information relating to your person contained in records or databases, subject to the provisions of item X of the head provision of article 5 of the Federal Constitution and Law No. 12,527 of 2011;
  • Protection of your personal information, pursuant to Law No. 12,527 of 2011;
  • Integrated and systemic performance in the issuance of acknowledgments, certificates and documents proving regularity;
  • Obtention of accurate and easily accessible information at the places where the service is provided, as well as making it available on the internet, especially regarding:
    • opening hours of administrative units;
    • services provided by the body or entity, its exact location and indication of the sector responsible for serving the public;
    • access to the public agent or the body in charge of receiving statements;
    • status of administrative proceedings in which he/she appears as an interested party;
  • Prior notice of service provision suspension. (Included by Law no. 14.015 of 2020).

As provided in Law No. 13,460 of 2017, the service user's duties are:

  • Proper use of services, proceeding with urbanity and good faith;
  • Provision of information relevant to the service provided when requested;
  • Collaboration for the proper provision of the service;
  • Preservation of the conditions of public goods through which services are provided.

In addition, the service user has the following intrinsic responsibilities:

  • Presentation of true information and accountability for possible consequences of errors and omissions;
  • Completion of thorough, correct and updated registration data;
  • Compliance with the rules established in the term of use;
  • Password secrecy, which must be personal and non-transferable;
  • Responsibility for the security of the device through which access to the service is performed;
  • Compensation for direct and indirect damage caused to the Public Administration and third parties by service misuse.

Saneago is responsible, within the scope of the services available on the websites and/or Applications:

  • Public services and user service, carried out properly, observing the principles of regularity, continuity, effectiveness, security, timeliness, generality, transparency and courtesy, in accordance with Law No. 13,460 of 2017;
  • Digital provision of public services through technologies that are widely accessible by the population, including those with low income or residents in rural and isolated areas, without prejudice to the citizen's right to in-person assistance;
  • Application of technological solutions aimed at simplifying processes and procedures for serving public service users and providing better conditions for sharing information;
  • Provision of the user's unique digital access mechanism to public services, with a level of security compatible with the degree of demand, nature and criticality of the data and information relevant to the requested service; Simplification of requests, provision and monitoring of services, with a focus on user experience.

In case of doubts and/or questions, the user can contact us through the channels available at https://www.saneago.com.br/#/home

Saneamento de Goiás S.A. owns all copyrights, brands, domains, logos, appearance, secrets, associated technologies, patents and other intellectual property rights related to the services available on the saneago.com.br website. The use of these intellectual property rights without the express authorization of Saneago through its legitimate representative is prohibited.

This Term of Use is governed by Brazilian laws. Any claim or dispute based on this Term will be resolved by the District of Goiânia, State of Goiás.

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial means of appeal, all citizens have the right to submit a petition against Saneago, referring to their personal data, to the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). Article 18, paragraph 1, of Law No. 13,709 of 2018 and provided that there has been a previous formal complaint not resolved within the term by Saneago - Article 55-J, V, Law No. 13,709 of 2018.

Saneago reserves the right to amend these regulations at any time, especially to adapt them to service improvements, either by making new features available or by withdrawing or modifying existing ones.